Monitoring as Code: Embracing Infrastructure as Code for Robust Monitoring

Roman Burdiuzha
6 min readMar 25, 2024


Introducing Monitoring as Code (MaC)

Imagine a world where managing your monitoring setups isn’t a labyrinth of click-through menus and cryptic interfaces. Enter Monitoring as Code (MaC), a revolutionary approach that brings order to the chaos of monitoring configurations.

MaC takes a page from the successful playbook of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Just like IaC treats infrastructure provisioning and configuration as code, MaC does the same for monitoring setups. Metrics, alerts, dashboards — everything that keeps you informed about your system’s health — becomes codified and version-controlled.

Instead of manually clicking through endless configuration screens, MaC lets you define monitoring configurations in human-readable code files (think YAML, JSON) or specialized languages tailored for monitoring needs. This code is then stored in version control systems like Git, just like your application code.

The Traditional Approach to Monitoring

Historically, the process of setting up and configuring monitoring systems has been a largely manual and error-prone endeavor. Teams would typically rely on graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or command-line tools to define monitoring rules, alerts, and dashboards, often leading to a fragmented and inconsistent monitoring landscape across different environments.

One of the primary challenges of the traditional approach to monitoring is the inherent complexity involved in managing and maintaining monitoring configurations manually. As systems grow in scale and complexity, ensuring consistent monitoring coverage across multiple environments becomes increasingly difficult. Configuration drift, where monitoring settings diverge from their intended state due to manual interventions or environmental changes, is a common issue that can lead to gaps in monitoring coverage and potential blind spots.

Furthermore, the manual nature of traditional monitoring setups poses significant risks of configuration inconsistencies across different environments. Development, staging, and production environments may have vastly different monitoring configurations, making it challenging to maintain parity and accurately validate monitoring behavior before deploying changes to production.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members also present significant hurdles in the traditional monitoring approach. With monitoring configurations often scattered across various platforms, tools, and environments, it becomes difficult for team members to gain a holistic understanding of the monitoring landscape. Onboarding new team members or transferring institutional knowledge becomes a cumbersome process, as documentation and knowledge sharing practices are often ad-hoc and prone to drift.

Moreover, the lack of version control and auditing capabilities in traditional monitoring setups makes it challenging to track changes, identify root causes of issues, and roll back to previous configurations when necessary. This lack of visibility and control can lead to increased operational overhead, longer mean time to resolution (MTTR) for incidents, and potential compliance risks.

Benefits of Monitoring as Code

  • Enhanced Agility and Collaboration: MaC allows for faster deployments, easier scaling of monitoring, and improved collaboration between Dev and Ops teams.
  • Consistency and Repeatability: Code-based monitoring ensures consistent configurations across environments, reducing errors and simplifying troubleshooting.
  • Version Control and Rollbacks: Version control of monitoring code enables tracking changes, rollbacks to previous configurations if needed, and simplifies auditing.
  • Scalability and Automation: MaC facilitates easy scaling of monitoring as your infrastructure grows, and allows for automation of configuration management and deployment.

Implementing Monitoring as Code

The adoption of Monitoring as Code practices has been facilitated by the increasing availability of monitoring tools and platforms that support the definition and management of monitoring configurations as code artifacts. Several popular monitoring solutions have embraced this paradigm, providing domain-specific languages or formats for defining monitoring rules, alerts, dashboards, and other configurations.

One prominent example is Prometheus, an open-source monitoring and alerting system that has become widely adopted in the cloud-native ecosystem. Prometheus leverages a declarative configuration file format for defining monitoring targets, alerting rules, and recording rules. These configuration files can be versioned, reviewed, and deployed using standard Git workflows, enabling teams to treat their Prometheus monitoring configurations as code.

Similarly, Grafana, a popular open-source platform for data visualization and monitoring, supports the concept of “Monitoring as Code” through its provisioning system. Grafana dashboards, data sources, and other configurations can be defined as JSON or YAML files, allowing teams to version control and automatically deploy their Grafana setups across environments.

Traditional monitoring solutions like Nagios have also embraced the “Monitoring as Code” approach, providing tools and plugins that enable the definition of monitoring configurations as code artifacts. For example, the Nagios Core Configuration Language (NCCL) allows teams to define host and service monitoring configurations as code, facilitating version control and automated deployment.

Beyond monitoring-specific tools, the implementation of Monitoring as Code often involves integrating monitoring configurations with existing CI/CD pipelines and deployment tools. For example, teams can leverage infrastructure-as-code tools like Ansible or Terraform to manage the deployment and configuration of monitoring components alongside their application infrastructure.

By integrating monitoring code with CI/CD pipelines, teams can automate the deployment of monitoring configurations, ensuring consistency across environments and enabling continuous validation and testing. This integration also facilitates the adoption of GitOps practices, where monitoring configurations are automatically reconciled and converged based on the desired state defined in version control.

Moreover, the integration of monitoring code with deployment tools like Ansible or Terraform allows for the holistic management of both application infrastructure and monitoring components, streamlining the deployment process and reducing the risk of configuration drift or inconsistencies.

Through the adoption of Monitoring as Code practices and the integration with existing CI/CD and deployment tools, organizations can achieve greater consistency, scalability, and maintainability in their monitoring setups, ultimately enhancing their ability to effectively monitor and observe their software systems.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While the adoption of Monitoring as Code practices offers numerous benefits, it is important to acknowledge and address the potential challenges and considerations that organizations may face during the implementation and ongoing management of this approach.

Learning Curve and Upfront Investment

Transitioning from traditional monitoring setups to a Monitoring as Code approach often involves a significant learning curve for teams. Developers and operations personnel may need to acquire new skills and familiarize themselves with domain-specific languages, version control workflows, and automated deployment processes. This learning curve can represent an upfront investment in terms of time and resources, which should be carefully planned and accounted for.

Additionally, organizations may need to invest in tooling, infrastructure, and training to support the implementation of Monitoring as Code practices effectively. This upfront investment can be substantial, particularly for larger organizations with complex monitoring requirements.

Balancing Flexibility and Complexity

One of the challenges of Monitoring as Code is striking the right balance between flexibility and complexity. While defining monitoring configurations as code promotes consistency and reproducibility, it can also introduce additional complexity and overhead, particularly as the monitoring landscape becomes more intricate.

Teams must carefully consider the trade-offs between the benefits of a codified approach and the potential complexities it may introduce. Maintaining a modular and well-organized codebase, adhering to best practices for code organization and documentation, and leveraging appropriate abstraction and templating mechanisms can help mitigate the complexity challenge.

Securing Sensitive Monitoring Data

Monitoring systems often deal with sensitive data, such as system metrics, log data, and application telemetry. When adopting a Monitoring as Code approach, teams must be mindful of the security considerations involved in storing and managing monitoring configurations as code artifacts.

Appropriate access controls, encryption mechanisms, and secure storage practices should be implemented to protect sensitive monitoring data from unauthorized access or accidental exposure. Additionally, teams should establish clear policies and guidelines for handling sensitive data within the monitoring codebase, such as separating sensitive configurations from non-sensitive ones or leveraging secure storage solutions like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.

Furthermore, organizations should carefully review and adhere to relevant industry standards, regulations, and best practices for data security and privacy when implementing Monitoring as Code practices.

By proactively addressing these potential challenges and considerations, organizations can better prepare for a successful adoption of Monitoring as Code practices and ensure that the benefits of this approach are realized while mitigating potential risks and complexities.



Roman Burdiuzha

Cloud Architect | Co-Founder & CTO at Gart | DevOps & Cloud Solutions | Boosting your business performance through result-oriented tough DevOps practices